FuturisticSwap Ecosystem Intro
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Instantly swap crypto tokens: no registration or account needed, instantly trade Nfts on the FuturisticNftmarketplace, also send & receive crypto currencies using the FuturisticWallet.
FuturisticSwap is the leading decentralized exchange on COREDAO Chain, with the most Futuristic features in the market and everyone's favourite Dex.
Why pay more? FuturisticSwap runs on COREDAO Chain, a blockchain with much lower transaction costs than Ethereum or Bitcoin. Trading fees are lower than other top decentralized exchanges too, the FuturisticWallet & FuturisticNftmarketplace makes transfers, minting, buying/selling... so easy and simple with low fees, so that's a triple win for you!
Trade directly from your wallet app. Unlike centralized exchanges like Binance or Coinbase, Mexc... FuturisticSwap doesnโt hold your funds when you trade: you have 100% ownership of your own crypto.
Earn FWAP and other tokens, interesting right? Earn tokens with FuturisticBank. You also earn a % when you invite your friends & family to participate on IDO/IEO/IFO/ICO/INO/IGO & IAO on the FuturisticPad. Not to forget the FuturisticPlayToEarnGames too as you play games, you earn alongside!
You Earn High Interest Rate. Bank FWAP, earn tokens. Earn Trading Fees from the banking farms. Bank your Fwap on FuturisticBank and earn a % of daily fees from the bank's pool and get to earn even more tokens as you refer friends & family. Itโs really that easy. FWAP holders will earn tens of millions of USD worth of free tokens each week from major projects in the Bank. New projects will join the party frequently, so you can earn more, for even longer.
FuturisticSwap makes making money fun.
Millions of dollars regularly go up for grabs on the FuturisticLottery. Join as many as thousands weekly players for your chance to win big!
Win collectible NFTs for participating in competitions and more fun & games. Win amazing and exciting Nft prizes & incentives from top competitions, top rankings & top challenges on the futuristicP2eGames, also from the FuturisticNftmarketplace.
Sounds like fun? Then get flipping! ๐โก๏ธ